My own “other memories” explain my motivations

What follows is an .... experiment. I present it as is with minimal edits for the purpose of clarity. Please be kind.


What? Hmmmm?

Yes. Hello. Sit, sit , sit .... sit down.

That pillow? You needed a place to sit; now you have one. Oh, it was always there, You just didn't notice it until you needed it. That's how this works.

Yes. Exactly! Simple when you think about it.

This place? It's my .......home(?). I carry it with me. So much easier than needing something, not having it, and having to search for it, or try to remember where I last put it. So .... I carry it all with me!!! Simple.

My name? Name ...... name ..... oh .... you mean how am I called? You called. I answered. Simple.

Not that. OH!!! You mean a single word that encompasses all that I am, all that I've seen, heard, been, learned, experienced, witnessed, challenged, defended, discovered, hidden .... all that. All that in one word? What an odd custom.


No ... no .... no .... NO! Don't try to say it. You will harm your vocal cords. Instead, close your eyes. Good. Now .... imagine the sound of wind racing through a dense forest, the sound that an otter hears when she frolicks under water with her children, or the sound that an ant hears when he gets too close to a fire. What do they have in common? That is my .... name.

[time passes]

You're still here. You have questions. Of course you have questions. I have answers. Let us see if my answers match your questions!

Questions first? Another odd custom. Do you not know that the Answers already exist? The Answers precede the Questions; they are just waiting patiently for the appropriate question to be spoken.

Fine. Ask. Excuse me for saying so (as we've just met), but it seems backwards to question an answer before you've actually heard it. Babies eat all kinds of things before they question whether they like it. They indulge in the answer .... and only then question.

Go on.


This place? Again? I've already answered .... and yet you question. It is my ..... home. It is where I am. It's a .... what is the word .... pocket(?) .... yes POCKET in time and space where I can be both inside and out there at the same time. I exist here. From here I can visit where ever I like. I carry it with me so that I don't have to travel back here when I am finished with my projects out there. Simple.

What is my "job"? That word is unfamiliar to me. It is too short. It has no meaning. Oh!!! My Purpose!!!! That is a powerful word. I thought that was obvious. I collect the Answers. They keep getting scattered so I go out there, collect them up, collate, sort, cross-reference, dust some of them off, repair others as needed .... Answers.

I'm an .... Archivist(?). No ... no ... no .... recording is just a small part of my Purpose. I excavate the bones of the future, analyze them, reconstruct what they encompassed at one time, and restore their Answer. I bring the Answers back into here so that they are available for the NOW. No .... no. There is no "past", "present", and "future" in the way that you describe it. There is only a NOW that is constantly changing. It changes because the Questions try to force their way into an Answer like an ill-fitting shoe. If you only realized that Answers exist regardless of how you feel about them, you'd be far less confused. Think of your Question as a path .... you keep picking the wrong path and then wonder why you haven't arrived at your Answer. Read the map. It's all there. Simple.

No. I haven't always been an Archivist. I discovered my Purpose the same way we all do. I asked the right Question. Simple.

Accepting the Answer was very difficult at first. That was many nows ago. I fought, scratched, howled, screamed, bayed at the moon, fought some more ..... for countless nows .... until I was exhausted enough to .... listen. In the silence of no longer hearing my own voice, I heard. I listened. Then .... and only then .... the Answer made absolute sense. Once I realized that, accepting my Purpose was the only reasonable step. So, now I collect the Answers!!!

Oh!!! The colours of them, their sounds, their .... certainty of being. They are glorious and humbling in their simplicity. I am honoured to work with them.

Yes!!! Please!!! Pick one up!!! They crave discovery. Their very existence is founded in being actively discovered!!! They enjoy nothing as much as singing their song, showing off their colours, and dancing in the Light. Oh glorious!!!! That Answer enjoys your attention and company!!!

See? Simple.

Oh .... you must go? Can you not be here and there at the same time? Ahhhhh ..... you haven't found that Question yet. You will. How do I know? Remember .... I collect Answers. When you've asked the Question, the Answer will be waiting for you.

Of course you can come "back". You've been here for many nows before you realized you were here. You're an Answer.



Dreams & Disabilty