As you venture along the ZB Path, you will (hopefully) find that giving voice to words allows you to imbue them with nuance. Whether you use your tongue, sign with your hands (ISL / ASL), break into abandoned dance, or prefer that another speak for you, all are valid and valuable modes of sharing your experience. In that vein, I will sometimes speak the words that I write; in ZB, we call that “Bhashta’weidojman” (Bashta) — which means “giving voice to the Power of Knowledge”. This is where you will find Bashta I have to share with you.
— Gryph, your guide on the ZB journey
The Christian Lens - How Faith Influences Fact
archaeology, christian ideology, foundation Gryph Daley archaeology, christian ideology, foundation Gryph Daley

The Christian Lens - How Faith Influences Fact

Today, we're diving deep into a topic that has shaped our understanding of history, culture, and even our own identities: the Judeo-Christian lens in academia. This isn't just about who gets to tell the story; it's about who gets to write the history books, define 'civilization,' and set the standards by which all other cultures are measured. So, settle in, because we're about to question some deeply entrenched narratives and ask whether they serve us—or serve to keep us confined.

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Eurocentrism — the Road so Far
archaeology, foundation, ancient aliens Gryph Daley archaeology, foundation, ancient aliens Gryph Daley

Eurocentrism — the Road so Far

Both academia and AAT rely on a very artificial and arbitrary delineation of what an "advanced" society is. They share similar criteria: evidence of written language, organized town sites in a shift from agrarian lifestyles, hierarchical social structures, specialized technology, and a shift from animistic to anthropomorphic spiritual beliefs.

[Featured image credit :]

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Ancient Alien Theory — Modern Myth-Making and Eurocentrism
archaeology, ancient aliens, foundation Gryph Daley archaeology, ancient aliens, foundation Gryph Daley

Ancient Alien Theory — Modern Myth-Making and Eurocentrism

Welcome back to another episode of "Zero Barriers," where we dissect, discuss, and dismantle the systemic biases that permeate our society. Today, we're diving deep into the murky waters of Ancient Alien Theory (AAT), a topic that has captivated the public imagination for decades. But before we get into it, let's remember one of the pillars of the Zensunni Bardo Path: Answers exist all around us; we simply need to find the proper Questions to unlock them.

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